Day 53 | Stairway to Heaven, Nights In White Satin & Dream On Plus Interview

Song requests:
Help @ GoFundMe:
Why did I choose to do three vocally challenging awesome songs in one night while I’m still recuperating,..well, why not, although I think I’ll do some easier songs for the next few days.
Later on today, I had the privilege of getting interview by Chelsea Manning, a reporter / anchor from KQ2 out of St. Joseph, MO.  This is my 4th interview and I didn’t even think of getting pics of the other awesome reporters…sorry 🙁  In any case, here are some pics.  The links to the interview, which should air at 6 & 10 p.m. on the station will be posted on the “Seen / Heard” page.

You can follow / catch up, make song requests and help support this odyssey at the links above. ALL proceeds will go to the Green Hills Animal Shelter in Trenton, MO ( I will keep this GoFundMe cause open throughout the year and close it out once this is over and present the check to the shelter where it will help a lot of critters.
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