
Creating A Military Beachhead At Work – The Warrior Christian

A military presence is meant to help with infrastructure and to make sure that the enemy stays defeated.  This all begins with the beachhead.

Beachhead (noun): a defended position on a beach taken from the enemy by landing forces, from which an attack can be launched.

While our true enemy (Satan) is ruler over this Earth (Matthew 4:9) until Jesus comes back, we (Christians) are behind enemy lines, called to wage a campaign of sabotage and create a beachhead from which a presence is established. War is an ugly business, and while the war was officially won on the cross John 12:30-33), there are many battles to be fought.

God has given us (Christians) the authority, armor, and weaponry to wage successful campaigns, but only if we are willing to utilize them.

I am, and will, starting tonight.

At work, I’ve begun wielding the sword of the Word of God when the enemy shows it’s ugly head and the first campaign was successful.

…but this isn’t enough…

My mission – to establish a beachhead at work by which a permanent presence of God will be established. This will be done in this fashion:

  1. While on break, I will sit at my usual spot and engage in conversation, all while having a hard-copy of the Bible out with a small cross laying on the table. I will read silently to myself unless the enemy attacks. If he does, the battle will begin in this fashion:
    1. I have selectively bookmarked hymns (yes, I’ll take a hymnal with me – “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God, “When I Survey the Wondrous Cross, “Because He Lives, and “Standing On The Promises.”) and will sing them ONLY when two things occur – God’s Name is used in vain/as a curse, and porn-talk.

I have chosen the “praise” method as opposed to using scripture to directly combat what is going on.  When you use scripture in this fashion, you arouse sin (Romans 7:7-12), but when you praise God in the midst of darkness, God inhabits praise (Psalm 22:3 – this applies to individuals, not just a nation).

If there is friction, I can endure.  If someone reports me to HR saying that I’m forcing my beliefs on anyone, then I will reply that the only times I’ve sung aloud hymns/read aloud scripture is when God’s name is used as a curse/porn-talk – the latter is a legal issue that can cause company problems.

I do not wish to cause problems, but I won’t run away from them, nor will I go into the locker room to escape or sit at another table to avoid a fight.

Yes, I could use my mobile phone to read the Bible/sing hymns, but the hidden reason for such things is to avoid ridicule.

I do not pretend to clean up the F-bombs, or any other corse language, but I hope to be an influence on others (Matthew 5:14-16).

I will not wag my finger at anyone for any behavior as we all slip, BUT I will not give up the beachhead. I will look like a fool (John10:20), but I don’t care as I have been given my marching orders by a Higher Authority (Matthew 28:16-20, Mark 16:15-18).

I will say that when I was an Atheist/full-blown rebellion, I met many Christians that had Bibles out/crosses around, and I found it very uncomfortable to curse God’s Name or talk filthy.  I felt “watched.”

I hope to elicit the help of other Christians there in like fashion – we’ll see how that works.

I know I’ll get flack, but I simply don’t care anymore, and I know, from others that have told me in private, that they don’t like hearing that stuff either, but you “got to play along to get along,” and I get that.

I hate that I have to do this, but when this idea formed in my mind, I felt at peace with this as it is within God’s Will. In effect, I’ll be establishing a church within the plant – a “military presence” if you will, for as long as I’m there, waging a battle against an enemy that is defeated with the light of Jesus Christ and praising God on high with whom all the nations of the world are set as a footstool under His Feet (Isaiah 66:1).

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