Job being tormented by demons

“Satanic Psyops”: A Biblical Perspective on Demonic Torment

Satan utilizes psychological warfare in most of his attacks. He uses five methods of attack. This article will discuss torment.

The realm of spiritual warfare extends beyond the physical, as alluded to in the Bible verse Ephesians 6:12 (KJV): “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” Central to the Christian worldview is the need to understand ‘Satanic Psyops,’ psychological operations that Satan and his demonic realm employ to influence humanity. Analogous to military tactics, psyops are non-combative means to sway an enemy’s mind.

Demons, from this perspective, are portrayed as influencing human thought. They seek to establish a stronghold within our minds, necessitating continual spiritual renewal and readiness. Recognizing this threat is not unlike studying an enemy’s battle strategies in warfare. Christians are better equipped by understanding these demonic tactics to defend themselves and counterattack. Still, first, we must delve into the human condition and the principles of cause and effect.

  1. Environment
  2. Thoughts
  3. Feelings
  4. Intention
  5. Action
  6. Results – which lead back to the environment

The chain of cause-and-effect governing human behavior unfolds in the following order: environment influences thoughts, which give rise to feelings, resulting in an intention that culminates in action, leading to results that circle back to impact the environment. This cyclical nature of human behavior forms the basis of many therapeutic strategies, both secular and Christian.

Christians must critique these therapeutic approaches as they focus predominantly on intentions and actions. These traditional approaches are reactive rather than proactive. Our environment might be beyond our control, but mastery over our thoughts is within reach, setting the stage for effective preventative measures.

This concept gains clarity when considering the lessons derived from the book of James, specifically Chapter 1, verses 14-15. The verses depict a process in which a person is tempted and eventually gives in to sin, leading to spiritual death. Analyzing the original Greek text of these verses brings out the nuanced meanings of the words employed, providing a more in-depth understanding of this process.

“but every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed. Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death.”

While the text in the outline below is out of order concerning the scripture above, I’ve kept to the “process” of James’s discussion. The definitions after the quoted parts from the Greek meaning of each word/phrase. Below the outline is the message in its context.

  1. Longing “…lust…”: a longing (especially for what is forbidden): – concupiscence, desire, lust (after) (G1939).
  2. Lure “…when he is drawn away…”: lure forth: in hunting and fishing as game is lured from its hiding place, so man by lure is allured from the safety of self-restraint to sin (G1828).
  3. Allure “…enticed…”: to entrap, that is, (figuratively) delude: – allure, beguile, entice. (G1185).
  4. Testing “…itempted…”: to test (objectively), that is, endeavorscrutinizeenticediscipline: – assay, examine, go about, prove, tempt (G3985).
  5. Seize “…hath conceived…”: to clasp, that is, seize (arrest, capture); specifically to conceive (literally or figuratively); by implication to aid: – catch, conceive, help, take (G4815).
  6. Birth “…it bringeth forth…”: to produce (from seed, as a mother, a plant, the earth, etc.), literal or figurative: – bear, be born, bring forth, be delivered, be in travail (G5088).
  7. Action “…sin…”: that which is done wrong, sin, an offense, a violation of the divine law in thought or in the act (G266).
  8. Finality “…when it is finished…”: to complete entirely, that is, consummate: – finish (G658).
  9. The End “…death…”: PHYSICAL – that separation (whether natural or violent) of the soul and the body by which the life on earth is ended with the implied idea of future misery in hell. SPIRITUAL – the misery of the soul arising from sin, which begins on earth but lasts and increases after the death of the body in hell (G2288).

The process begins with “lust” or longing, especially for what is forbidden. This longing lures or draws a person away from self-restraint, enticing them towards sin. The person is tested and seized by sin, eventually bringing spiritual death. Spiritual death is not necessarily a physical death but a spiritual separation from God due to sin, which begins on earth and increases after the body’s continual death in hell.

This process finds a vivid example in the narrative of King David’s indiscretion with Bathsheba in 2 Samuel 11:1-5. King David, succumbing to his longing for another man’s wife, was lured away from his duties and enticed into adultery. The subsequent consequences, including the death of Uriah and God’s judgment, serve as a stark reminder of the destructive power of sin, effectively illustrating the warning in James’s book.

Understanding Satanic Psyops provides a proactive defense against the unseen spiritual warfare Christians believe in waging around us. A comprehensive grasp of the cause-and-effect order in human behavior, coupled with a detailed understanding of the process of sin as illustrated in the book of James, can aid believers in shielding their minds from demonic influence. In doing so, they maintain spiritual health and uphold the values central to their faith.

The Connection Between Satanic, Demonic Influences, and “Flesh Points.”

The idea that Satanic and demonic forces influence humanity is entrenched in religious teachings throughout history. A profound understanding of these forces, or what are often referred to as “flesh points,” can provide insight into humanity’s trials and tribulations.

The relationship between Satanic and demonic influence and “flesh points” is vital to understanding this spiritual battle. Flesh points represent the human susceptibility to sin and evil, to which Satan and his demonic forces direct their influence. The Bible extensively addresses these flesh points, recognizing them as internal and external thoughts and actions that may defile a person. It is noted in Matthew 15:19 and Mark 7:21-22 that such defilements, ranging from evil thoughts to physical sins like adultery and murder, are intrinsically linked to our hearts. Galatians 5:19-21 further adds to this list, identifying manifestations of the “old man” or carnal nature such as idolatry, witchcraft, and envy, which reflect humanity’s inherent vulnerabilities.

Thoughts and actions that proceed from the heart. Taken from Matthew 15:19 & Mark 7:21-22

  1. evil thoughts (internal)
  2. adulteries (external)
  3. fornications (external)
  4. murders (external)
  5. thefts (external)
  6. covetousness (internal)
  7. wickedness (internal)
  8. deceit (external)
  9. false witness (external)
  10. lasciviousness (external)
  11. an evil eye (internal)
  12. blasphemy (external)
  13. pride (internal)
  14. foolishness (external)

Manifestations of the “old man”/carnality/flesh nature taken from Galatians 5:19-21

  1. adultery (Matt and Mark passages)
  2. fornication (Matt and Mark passages)
  3. uncleanness (Mark 7:22 – “lasciviousness”)
  4. lasciviousness (Matt and Mark passages)
  5. idolatry (Mark 7:22 – “an evil eye”)
  6. witchcraft (Mark 7:22 – “wickedness”)
  7. hatred (Mark 7:21 – “murders”)
  8. variance (Mark 7:22 – “pride”)
  9. emulations (Mark 7:22 – “pride”)
  10. wrath (Mark 7:21 – “murders”)
  11. strife (Mark 7:22 – “pride”)
  12. seditions (Mark 7:22 – “pride”)
  13. heresies (Mark 7:21 – “evil thoughts”)
  14. envyings (Mark 7:21 – “evil thoughts”)
  15. murders (Matt and Mark passages)
  16. drunkenness (Mark 7:22 – “lasciviousness”)
  17. revellings (Mark 7:22 – “lasciviousness”)

Defilement through these actions holds significant spiritual consequences. As per Biblical teaching, demonic entities, including Satan, can dwell in and around individuals who willingly indulge in these flesh points. This dwelling is not exclusive to non-believers but also extends to believers, underlining the universal susceptibility to demonic influence. Matthew 12:43-45 offers a vivid depiction of this phenomenon, where Jesus discusses the plight of a man from whom an unclean spirit departs, only to return with seven spirits more wicked than itself. This representation illustrates the increasing severity of spiritual corruption as more demons dwell in a person, worsening their state.

This concept is not purely theoretical but finds considerable support in Biblical accounts that exemplify Satanic and demonic influence on humanity. The Bible is replete with instances where Satan directly confronts and influences individuals. From the Genesis account of Eve’s temptation (Genesis 3:4-5) to Satan inciting David to number Israel (1 Chronicles 21:1) and even Satan’s audacious attempts to tempt Jesus himself (Matthew 4:10), Satan’s direct interventions bear testimony to his persistent efforts to corrupt humanity.

Parallel to Satan’s direct influence are the numerous instances of demonic control. These instances range from leading the righteous astray, as noted in Exodus 34:14-16, to more overt manipulations. A striking example is found in 1 Kings 22:19-23, where a lying spirit persuades King Ahab through his prophets to meet his doom at Ramoth-Gilead. Similarly, an evil spirit torments King Saul, leading to his madness and eventual suicide (1 Samuel 16:14-15; 1 Samuel 28:11-19).

According to Christian belief, understanding Satanic and demonic influence and the concept of flesh points offer valuable insight into the spiritual warfare humanity engages in. By recognizing and addressing these flesh points, individuals can better equip themselves against the influence of Satan and his demonic forces, ultimately cultivating a life centered around spiritual purity and resilience.

Psychological Attacks in the Biblical Narratives of Job and Saul: A Comparative Analysis

This section will delve into the psychological attacks on two iconic figures in the Bible – Job and King Saul. We will explore the mental torment they endured and the roles Satan and demons played in their stories. The Biblical narratives of Job and Saul’s experiences will help us understand the tactics used in psychological warfare.


The story of Job from the Bible provides an insightful exploration into the profound impact of Satan’s psychological operations on individuals, with a focus on the manipulation of the mind. This essay analyzes these operations as evidenced in the tribulations of Job and the influence exerted on his friends, particularly Eliphaz the Temanite.

Satan’s multi-faceted attack on Job began with God’s consent, targeting first his property and family, then Job’s physical well-being. Many Christians misconceive that the assault concluded with Job’s affliction with boils. However, a deeper look into the scripture reveals an enduring mental attack, commencing with Job’s wife, which continues to torment him throughout the rest of the narrative.

Significantly, Job’s friends, who came to console him, unknowingly contribute to the psychological warfare against him. The inception of this assault can be traced back to Eliphaz’s verbal rebuke of Job, a discourse primarily influenced by a spirit of demonic origin, as portrayed in Job 4:12-21.

The demonic spirit that influenced Eliphaz deviates from traditional biblical depictions of angelic apparitions. Unlike the usual divine encounters wherein the angels alleviate mortal fear with comforting words, the demonic spirit that visited Eliphaz did not dispel his fear. The evil spirit cunningly integrated half-truths into communicating with Eliphaz, fuelling his antagonistic discourse with Job.

The spirit’s tactic of pairing truths with lies successfully beguiled Eliphaz. He accepted the spirit’s misleading discourse and accusations as absolute truth, establishing the premise for his first argument against Job. Consequently, Eliphaz wrongfully insinuated Job’s guilt, erroneously presuming that Job’s sufferings were the result of undisclosed sins.

Eliphaz’s susceptibility to the spirit’s deception can be traced back to his disturbed mind. His compulsion to express his thoughts, despite their damaging implications, indicates an unstable mental condition. This same state of mind can be identified in another of Job’s friends, Zophar the Naamathite, as evidenced in Job 20:2. Eliphaz and Zophar’s mental states are driven by emulations, a carnal characteristic manifesting as fierce anger, rivalry, and jealousy.

This demon-induced frenzy initiated by Eliphaz subsequently triggers a similar response in Job’s other friends, amplifying the intensity of the psychological assault against Job. This collective onslaught, carefully orchestrated by Satan and his demons, continues for 28 chapters.

In conclusion, the dialogue between Job and his three friends epitomizes a systematic psychological attack, meticulously orchestrated by Satan and his demons, aimed at shattering the mental state of a righteous man. This narrative underscores the subtle yet profound influence of Satan’s psychological operations, underscoring the need for individuals to develop discernment and resilience in the face of such attacks.

The second part of our discussion pertains to King Saul, whose narrative offers another illustration of psychological warfare.

King Saul

Within the biblical narrative, the story of King Saul epitomizes the psychological warfare that Satan and demons wage on humanity. Saul’s reign, marked by disobedience to divine commands and a transgression into paranoia and madness, demonstrates the profound psychological and spiritual implications of diverting from God’s instructions.

A defining moment of King Saul’s reign occurs two years after his ascension to the throne. In 1 Samuel 13:7-9, Saul transgresses the Commandments of God, revealing the psychological tension he was under. By offering a burnt offering in the absence of Samuel, the prophet of God, Saul oversteps his kingly authority, breaking the designated roles of secular and sacred leadership. This action reveals Saul’s inclination to act impulsively under pressure rather than in alignment with divine instruction.

Upon completing the sacrificial offering, Samuel confronts Saul, leading to a discourse that illuminates Saul’s psychological state. Rather than obeying the Lord’s Commandments, Saul was driven by the fear of losing his followers. He justified his actions based on his interpretations and feelings, putting his judgment on par with God’s. This decision would have significant consequences for Saul and his kingdom, sowing seeds of paranoia and insecurity.

The narrative takes a turn as Saul begins to veer from God’s instructions, revealing a pattern of disobedience and justification. A pivotal episode occurs in 1 Samuel 15:10-31, where Saul disobeys the divine directive given by Samuel to annihilate the Amalekites and their livestock. Instead, he spares the king and the finest livestock. When confronted by Samuel, Saul deflects blame onto his soldiers, renouncing his responsibility before God. This shift signifies Saul’s increasingly distorted mental state and departure from divine guidance.

Following this, Samuel, under God’s direction, seeks out and anoints David as the future King of Israel. The anointment of David signals the departure of the Spirit of the Lord from Saul, and a ‘troubling spirit’ replaces it (1 Samuel 16:14). The constant presence of this troubling spirit initiates Saul’s rapid descent into other rebellious behavior, paranoia, and madness. Saul received minimal comfort, and only at the hands of David playing the lyre (1 Samuel 16:23). He can be concluded from this, that the traveling spirit which tormented king Saul attacked his mind through torment as opposed to his body. Saul’s trajectory starkly contrasts the path of obedience and faithfulness that David follows.

Saul’s mental decline manifests in a series of erratic behaviors, including attempts to murder David (1 Samuel 18:1-16), his son Jonathan (1 Samuel 20:25-33), and the priests of Nob (1 Samuel 22:6-19). The paranoia intensifies as Saul grows increasingly suspicious of conspiracies against him. His actions become more desperate and irrational, culminating in his consultation with a medium, a transgression into occult practices (1 Samuel 28:3-15). Ultimately, his internal turmoil leads to his suicide (1 Samuel 31:1-6).

The narrative of King Saul provides a cautionary tale about the psychological and spiritual consequences of disobedience and departure from God’s commandments. Mark Twain’s adage that “history doesn’t repeat itself, but it often rhymes” seems apt in this context. Both individuals and societies can learn from Saul’s narrative about the potential pitfalls of ignoring divine guidance. His story serves as a reminder to stay aligned with God’s will, emphasizing the possible spiritual repercussions of willfully pursuing “desirable forbidden fruit.” Whether believer or non-believer, the tale of King Saul encourages introspection, cautioning against the folly of making decisions with eyes wide open but hearts and minds closed to divine wisdom.

Examining these two Biblical narratives, we see history presenting valuable lessons. External entities orchestrated the psychological attacks on Job and Saul. Still, the character’s reactions to these attacks were largely influenced by their internal states. Job’s steadfast faith contrasted sharply with Saul’s impulsive disobedience, leading to contrasting outcomes.

Both narratives highlight the crucial importance of mental strength and faith in combating psychological warfare. They serve as potent reminders that while we may not control the events and circumstances that unfold, we control our reactions. We can choose faith and resilience, like Job, or fear and disobedience, like Saul. As Mark Twain once said, “History doesn’t repeat itself, but it often rhymes,” implying that the lessons from the past can inform our present and shape our future. The psychological trials endured by Job and Saul thousands of years ago still resonate with us today, providing profound insights into the human condition.

Understanding these narratives can lead us to a deeper appreciation of our inner strength and the necessity of wielding it correctly. Even amid immense suffering, Job’s unwavering faith is a testament to the power of resilience and belief. On the other hand, Saul’s descent into paranoia and despair offers a cautionary tale about the dangers of disobedience, impulsivity, and the inability to cope with fear and insecurity.

The comparative analysis of Job and Saul’s stories elucidates the different responses to psychological warfare. Despite the loss and sorrow, Job remained steadfast in his faith, never cursed God, and eventually, his endurance was rewarded. On the other hand, Saul buckled under his psychological pressure, leading to his downfall. This stark contrast underlines the importance of resilience, obedience, and faith in navigating life’s challenges.

The narratives of Job and Saul further highlight the role of psychological warfare in exploiting human frailties. Satan’s tactics encompassed a calculated and relentless attack on Job’s psyche, using his friends as conduits. Meanwhile, King Saul was plagued by a ‘distressing spirit’ sent by God, leading to his downfall.

The biblical narratives of Job and Saul showcase the profound effects of psychological warfare on the human psyche. These stories remind us of the significance of our mental fortitude in overcoming adversities. They highlight the tools used in psychological warfare, underlining the importance of discernment, resilience, and faith. The lessons from these narratives remain relevant in our present-day lives, teaching us to maintain our faith, stay resilient, and guard our minds against negative influences. Job and Saul’s trials exemplify the human struggle, offering timeless wisdom for navigating the complexities of our mental and spiritual journeys.

Satan’s Psychological Warfare: Implications for Believers and Non-Believers

The psychology of spiritual warfare is a contentious topic, particularly when discussing the effects of Satan’s operations on believers and non-believers. While it’s recognized that all humans were created by God (Genesis 1:26), not everyone is considered a child of God. This demarcation, set by Jesus Christ (Matthew 12:47-49, John 8:42-47), distinguishes between those who have confessed Jesus as their Savior and Lord and those who haven’t (Romans 10:1-13). This differentiation becomes pivotal in understanding the influence of demonic forces on both groups.

For non-believers, the absence of a confession of faith in Jesus leaves them vulnerable. Without the protective ‘umbrella’ God provides through His Holy Spirit (Job 1:10), non-believers, much like King Saul in his rejection of God’s commandments, are left to the mercy of demonic torments, oppression, and possession. This state directly results from their decision to live outside the protective realm of God’s Holy Spirit (John 14:17).

However, believers in Jesus Christ, despite being enveloped by God’s protection, are not entirely immune from the adverse effects of Satan’s psychological operations. When Christians choose disobedience and neglect God’s central place in their lives, they become vulnerable to torment and oppression from demonic forces. This susceptibility is evident in the disobedient actions of King Saul and the resultant removal of the Holy Spirit from him. Similar lapses can lead to Christians experiencing persistent depression, rage, and indulgence in fleshly desires (Mark 7:21-23, Galatians 5:19-21, Colossians 3:5-8).

Nonetheless, Christians have been equipped with defensive strategies against these psychological operations. Firstly, Christians must constantly remember their identity in Christ. Being a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:14-21), they have access to the fruits of the Holy Spirit. They are no longer enslaved to sin (Romans 6:1-7). This transformed state is a solid defense against demonic influences.

Additionally, Christians possess the “mind of Christ” (1 Corinthians 2:16), granting them stability and alignment with God’s Will (2 Timothy 1:7). This divine cognition allows believers to make sound choices in sync with the Holy Scripture, thereby fortifying their defenses against demonic operations.

The indwelling of the Holy Spirit (John 14:19-24) is another significant defensive mechanism. With God living within, Christians can directly communicate with Him, seeking wisdom in all situations. This guidance is promised to those who have faith (James 1:5-6).

Moreover, the Holy Bible, as the direct word of God (2 Timothy 3:16-17), serves as a trustworthy guide and the ‘sword’ in spiritual warfare (Ephesians 6:17, Hebrews 4:12). This ‘sword’ can dismantle incorrect thought patterns and evil imaginings (2 Corinthians 10:4-6), further shielding believers from Satan’s psychological attacks.

Finally, Christians must not isolate themselves. Scripture urges the believer to stick together (Hebrews 10:25), working in unison, edifying one another in love, and serving each other (1 Corinthians 12:12-26, 14:3, John 13:12-17). This mutual support and service strengthen the body of Christ, providing communal protection against demonic forces.

However, Christians must remain vigilant. They are fighting an enemy – Satan and his demonic hoard – whose chief aim is to steal, kill, and destroy. Their sadistic pleasure in tormenting humanity calls for unwavering discernment in these spiritual battles.

Therefore, the battle against Satan’s psychological operations presents unique challenges for non-believers and believers. Non-believers, devoid of spiritual protection, are more susceptible to demonic oppression, torments, and possession, mirroring the fate of King Saul. Believers, while safeguarded by God’s protection, can also face these attacks if they stray from obedience and God’s central role in their lives.

Nevertheless, believers are still protected and armed with these strategies to counter Satan’s psychological warfare. Embracing their new identity in Christ and the freedom from sin that accompanies it, utilizing the ‘mind of Christ’ for sound decision-making, invoking the indwelling Holy Spirit for divine wisdom, wielding the Holy Bible as the ‘sword’ in spiritual warfare, and standing together in love and mutual service create a formidable defense against demonic forces.

In conclusion, while the influence of Satan’s psychological operations varies among non-believers and believers, the ultimate power rests in the hands of the individual. Christians recognize this influence and take a proactive stance, particularly for believers through spiritual defenses. As Christians remain vigilant, adhere to God’s commands, and utilize the defense strategies provided, they can effectively combat and overcome the psychological warfare waged by Satan.
