Day 14 | “Chant” (John 1)

I decided to do something a little different and chant. Using John 1, I allowed the melody to be guided. I used to do this quite often and I will be doing a lot lore as it is freeing to let the Spirit sing the song. *chuckle*, at the end […]Read more »

Day 13 | “Ave Maria” (Bach/Gounod version)

I first heard this version of Ave Maria performed by one of the greatest Tenors of our day. Pavarotti was (and sill is) an inspiration of mine. I will say that the early rain added a nice touch. This marks the first time I got through a song with no […]Read more »

Day 12 | “The Lord’s Prayer”

I’ve performed this piece at countless weddings and church services. It’s been a long time favorite of mine. For me, this song honors God who gave me my singing voice. I FOUND MY SWEET SPOT!!! Not too much traffic and my voice was very warmed up…YEAH!!! You can follow / […]Read more »

Day 11 | “Yesterday”

What more could be said about this awesome song,..nothing! This tune gets my music nerd on as it utilizes a 7 measure phrase instead of an 8. Yeah,..I’m a nerdlinger. Timothy, thanks for the ride and I hope you enjoyed it. My audience of one was much appreciated. My one […]Read more »