Photo of SKID ROW

Wasted Time | Day 254

Wasted Time, no, not the Eagles song, but the Skid Row one, was a great song, and still is for that matter.

Do-Re-Mi (Maria And The Children)

Do-Re-Mi (Maria And The Children) | Day 253

“Do-Re-Mi” was the song that Maria sang to the children to teach them music. Funny how I never watched this musical until a year ago. Do-Re-Mi, yep, I could sing you the tune, but “The Sound of Music”,..hadn’t seen it until my wife, bewildered at the fact that I hadn’t […]Read more »

If Bread

If | Day 252

“If” is just a beautiful song from the group Bread. I almost didn’t do it under the overpass because of the cars. “If” was the first song I ever did at a wedding, and because of that, it hold a special place for me. Lyrics: If a picture paints a […]Read more »

Rusty Cage Soundgarden

Rusty Cage | Day 251

No offense to Johnny Cash, but I took Rusty Cage from the group that pulled it off, Soundgarden. Soundgarden’s “Rusty Cage” was just one of many great songs from this band. I may have been in high school during the 80s, but I call the 90s my music. I love […]Read more »