Good Christian Men Rejoice

Good Christian Men Rejoice | Day 291

Good Christian Men Rejoice.  Sure, it’s a Christmas song, but who cares.  We’re supposed to have the spirit of Christmas within us all the time.

Good Christian Men RejoiceGood Christian Men Rejoice is a song that I’ve done before and marks the fact that I enjoy Christmas songs all year around.  For me, I never understood the reason why there are “seasonal songs”.  Yes, this tune, as well as others, are done around Christmas, hence seasonal, but good music as well as a good message should be appreciated year around.

Only 74 days left…


Good Christian men rejoice
With heart and soul and voice!
Give ye heed to what we say
News! News!
Jesus Christ is born today!
Ox and ass before Him bow
And He is in the manger now
Christ is born today!
Christ is born today!

Good Christian men, rejoice
With heart and soul and voice
Now ye hear of endless bliss
Joy! Joy!
Jesus Christ was born for this
He hath ope’d the heav’nly door
And man is blessed evermore
Christ was born for this
Christ was born for this

Good Christian men, rejoice
With heart and soul and voice
Now ye need not fear the grave:
Peace! Peace!
Jesus Christ was born to save
Calls you one and calls you all
To gain His everlasting hall
Christ was born to save
Christ was born to save

Song requests:
Help @ GoFundMe:

You can follow / catch up, make song requests and help support this odyssey at the links above. I will keep this GoFundMe cause open throughout the year and close it out once this is over and present the check to the shelter where it will help a lot of critters. Check out the critters at

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