A tax collector standing in an open area next to a building with his head bowed.

What Is The Difference Between Regret And Remorse?

Regret, remorse, repentance…are they the same thing? What’s the difference? It turns out to be an important one.

Regret and remorse are emotions related to negative feelings about past actions or decisions, but they differ in depth and focus.

**Regret** is a feeling of sadness, disappointment, or dissatisfaction about something that one wishes had been different. It is often focused on the personal consequences of an action or decision, reflecting on what one could have done differently. Regret can be related to missed opportunities, poor decisions, or actions that led to unfavorable outcomes. It does not necessarily involve a moral dimension or concern for the harm caused to others.

**Remorse**, on the other hand, is a deeper, more emotional response that involves feeling guilty or contrite for one’s actions, particularly in terms of the harm or hurt caused to others. It includes a moral or ethical recognition of having done something wrong, leading to feelings of guilt and a desire to make amends or seek forgiveness. Remorse is often associated with a more profound reflection on one’s actions and their impact on others, showing a concern for the well-being of those affected.

In summary, regret is more about wishing one had made different choices for one’s own benefit, while remorse involves a deeper emotional and ethical acknowledgment of having caused harm to others and a desire to rectify that harm.

Is regret and remorse the same as repenting?

The concept of repentance in the Holy Bible is multifaceted, encompassing both Old Testament (Hebrew Bible) and New Testament perspectives. The term is translated from several Hebrew and Greek words that convey slightly different nuances of meaning.

In the Old Testament, the primary Hebrew word for repentance is “shuv,” which means to turn back or return. This term emphasizes turning away from sin and returning to God and His commandments (Ezekiel 18:30-32). Another Hebrew word, “nacham,” can imply a feeling of sorrow or regret, but it is often used in the context of God showing compassion or relenting from sending punishment (Jeremiah 18:8; Jonah 3:10).

In the New Testament, the Greek word most often translated as “repent” is “metanoia,” which means a change of mind or a turning around. This term emphasizes a complete change in one’s attitude and orientation towards sin and God. It is not merely feeling remorseful but involves a transformative change of heart and mind that results in a change of life (Matthew 3:2; Acts 2:38). “Metanoia” implies understanding one’s sins, feeling remorse for them, deciding to turn away from them, and turning towards God and righteousness.

Therefore, biblical repentance involves more than just feeling sorry for one’s actions; it entails a conscious decision to turn away from sin, change one’s behavior, and seek to live in accordance with God’s will. It is both a turning away from evil and a turning to God, marked by a transformation of one’s entire being and actions.

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