Day 4 | “In der Fremde” (In a Foreign land)

This was one of my very first German pieces in beginning voice by Schumann  I love singing the language and coupled with the brooding theme of the piece, what seventeen year old wouldn’t love it….well, at least this former seventeen year old.  Jeff Nolte was my first voice teacher in […]Read more »

Day 3 | “Beth”

When I first heard this piece several decades ago, my first thought was, “This can’t be Kiss.” This is another one of my favorites from long ago. You can follow / catch up at the 1st link below, make song requests and help support this odyssey. ALL proceeds will go […]Read more »

Day 2 | “Hallelujah”

This piece, originally done by Leonard Cohen has long been a favorite of mine.  Since I don’t have the “basement voice” Leonard has, I took a Jeff Buckley approach to this tune.  I will admit that the challenge in this year long project will not be singing the songs, but […]Read more »

Day 1 | “God Bless the USA”

Ok, I’m going to go ahead and admit that I don’t have a voice for country songs BUT I had to sing this little ditty as it was the most requested tune to date.  I first did this tune when I was a youngin’ at Hershey Pennsylvania in a karaoke […]Read more »