Day 105 | I Surrender All

DONATE TO THE GREEN HILLS ANIMAL SHELTER DONATE TO THE GREEN HILLS ANIMAL SHELTER This was a fitting song for the day, and something that I strive for with my walk with God. Follow: Song requests: Help @ GoFundMe: #undertheoverpass You can follow / catch up, make […]Read more »

Day 104 | Every Valley (Messiah)

DONATE TO THE GREEN HILLS ANIMAL SHELTER DONATE TO THE GREEN HILLS ANIMAL SHELTER I have had the privilege of singing this Tenor solo piece a few times.  The Messiah is one of, if not my favorite of Oratorios.  I hope the runner enjoy it. Follow: Song requests: […]Read more »

Day 103 | Away In A Manger

DONATE TO THE GREEN HILLS ANIMAL SHELTER DONATE TO THE GREEN HILLS ANIMAL SHELTER Soon it will be Christmas and I can’t help but think of these wonderful songs. Follow: Song requests: Help @ GoFundMe: #undertheoverpass You can follow / catch up, make song requests and help […]Read more »