Hermione and Max have a full day of playing together planned,..as well as taunting each other.
The Fur Will Fly
Her power is growing and she is no longer content with peaceful co-existence. Max and I try to hide from her wrath, but it’s only a matter of time. NO! NOOOOOOOOO!!! I will not sacrifice the household. We’ve made too many compromises already, too many retreats. Hermione invades our space, […]Read more »
I was worried about my Boston Terrier being friends with my Siamese cat, but man, the tables have turned. Take a look! Hermione is just being a jerk now. Poor dog.#bostonterrier #siamese A video posted by Robert Wimer (The Kennel Boss) (@robwimer) on Jul 12, 2016 at 12:32pm PDT Look […]Read more »
It was once a peaceful household, that was until Hermione, the kitten came. Now, it’s a day to day struggle for Me, as I lose more ground to cuteness. FATHER’S DAY I wanted to spend time with my daddy, you know, the usual. I would lay on his belly while he pet […]Read more »