The Fur Will Fly

4 posts

The Fur Will FlyI feel it’s my obligation to make a chronicle of the day to day struggles of my dog.  These are the journals, as transcribed by me from my dog.  The cuteness seems to have taken over and he is just trying to hold ground as much as possible against this storm.  Read his story,..tell it to others,……and always remember.

Siamese Kitty

My Kitty is a JERK!

I was worried about my Boston Terrier being friends with my Siamese cat, but man, the tables have turned.  Take a look! Hermione is just being a jerk now. Poor dog.#bostonterrier #siamese A video posted by Robert Wimer (The Kennel Boss) (@robwimer) on Jul 12, 2016 at 12:32pm PDT Look […]Read more »