Christians are, at times, too quick to cast out demons. They must first manifest themselves. This article explains the reason why. In the beginning, God created man to have dominion over the entire Earth (Genesis 1:28). At this point, man’s decisions would not be interfered with by God. The Lord […]Read more »
Robert Wimer
767 posts
To understand Bible prophecy, we must first understand a single event – a Galilean wedding.
Knowing the difference between true pride & low self-worth is key to unlocking great change in a Christian.
From mass shootings to utter acts of depravity, people are wondering, “why is everyone acting so crazy these days?” Well, there’s a reason. From King Saul to Nero, Hitler, Stalin, and Putin, there have always been notorious people throughout history. Today, it seems that we are seeing more instances where […]Read more »