God's wrath upon America

The United States Under the Curses of Deuteronomy 28: A Detailed Analysis from 2016 to 2024


Deuteronomy 28 describes the blessings for obedience and the curses for disobedience to God’s commandments. The latter half of the chapter (verses 15-68) outlines a series of curses that would afflict a nation that turns away from God. This article explores whether these curses have manifested in the United States, focusing on trends from 2016 to 2024. The analysis is based on data from reputable, secular sources to provide an unbiased perspective.

Health and Disease

Curse: “The Lord will plague you with diseases” (Deuteronomy 28:21-22)

Pre-2016 Trends

Before 2016, the U.S. experienced a gradual increase in chronic diseases and some infectious diseases. The opioid epidemic had already begun to take root, but the rise in health issues was relatively steady and within expected variability.

Post-2016 Trends

From 2016 onwards, the United States saw significant health challenges. The opioid epidemic intensified, with overdose deaths reaching unprecedented levels. By 2017, the opioid crisis was declared a public health emergency, reflecting its severe impact on American society (CDC, “Opioid Overdose”).

The COVID-19 pandemic, which began in late 2019, further exacerbated health issues. By 2020, the pandemic had resulted in widespread illness and mortality, overwhelming healthcare systems. The CDC reported that, in addition to COVID-19, there were increases in other health issues, such as sexually transmitted infections, with approximately 1.6 million reported cases of chlamydia in 2020 (CDC, “Sexually Transmitted Disease Surveillance”).

2020-2024 Trends

Health challenges continued from 2020 to 2024. Although the pandemic’s acute phase had passed, its long-term impacts lingered. Chronic conditions like diabetes and cardiovascular diseases remained high, and the healthcare system struggled to manage the ongoing burden (CDC, “Health, United States, 2020-2021”).

Conclusion The significant rise in health issues from 2016 to 2024 aligns with the curse of diseases mentioned in Deuteronomy 28, reflecting a period of considerable public health challenges.

Economic Hardship

Curse: “Your basket and your kneading trough will be cursed” (Deuteronomy 28:17)

Pre-2016 Trends

The U.S. economy showed signs of recovery from the Great Recession, with moderate GDP growth and improvements in unemployment rates. Economic indicators pointed towards a stable, albeit gradual, improvement in living standards.

Post-2016 Trends

From 2016 onwards, the economy faced significant fluctuations. Real wages, adjusted for inflation, declined by 3.4% since the onset of Biden’s administration until June 2022, reflecting persistent inflation and economic instability (FactCheck.org, “Biden’s Numbers, January 2024 Update”).

The COVID-19 pandemic led to widespread economic disruption. Unemployment rates soared as businesses closed and economic activity slowed dramatically. The federal government’s response included unprecedented stimulus measures, but these also contributed to inflationary pressures (U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, “U.S. Economy at a Glance”).

2020-2024 Trends

While there was some GDP growth in 2023, real wages continued to be affected by inflation. The unemployment rate showed slight increases towards the end of 2023, indicating ongoing economic instability. By 2024, economic growth had slowed, reflecting the lingering impacts of the pandemic and other economic disruptions (BEA, “Personal Income and Outlays, June 2024”).

Conclusion The economic fluctuations and persistent hardships from 2016 to 2024 align with the curse of economic distress mentioned in Deuteronomy 28, highlighting a period of significant economic challenges.

Social and Mental Health Issues

Curse: “The Lord will afflict you with madness, blindness, and confusion of mind” (Deuteronomy 28:28)

Pre-2016 Trends

Mental health and social issues were stable but concerning. There were increases in anxiety, depression, and substance abuse, but these were within expected trends for a developed nation facing modern societal pressures.

Post-2016 Trends

From 2016 onwards, mental health issues saw a marked increase. The opioid epidemic became more severe, contributing to widespread despair and social disintegration. The COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated mental health problems, leading to increased rates of anxiety, depression, and substance abuse (CDC, “Health, United States, 2020-2021”).

2020-2024 Trends

The social upheaval persisted from 2020 to 2024. Homicide rates, although decreasing in some cities, remained higher than pre-pandemic levels, reflecting ongoing social challenges. The societal impacts of the pandemic, combined with political polarization and civil unrest, created a pervasive sense of instability and mental health crises (USAFacts, “Current State of the Union: US Economy”).

Conclusion The significant increase in mental health issues and social upheaval from 2016 to 2024 aligns with the curse of madness, blindness, and confusion of mind mentioned in Deuteronomy 28, reflecting a period of profound social and mental health challenges.

Military Defeat and Social Upheaval

Curse: “The Lord will cause you to be defeated before your enemies” (Deuteronomy 28:25)

Pre-2016 Trends

The United States maintained a strong military presence globally and faced no significant military defeats. Social unrest was present but manageable, with occasional spikes during major events.

Post-2016 Trends

From 2016 onwards, the U.S. experienced significant social unrest. The rise in political polarization led to frequent civil disturbances. The killing of George Floyd in 2020 sparked nationwide protests and civil unrest, reflecting deep societal divisions (USAFacts, “Current State of the Union: US Economy”).

2020-2024 Trends

Social unrest persisted from 2020 to 2024, with ongoing political and social tensions. Although violent crime rates decreased in some areas, the overall sense of instability and conflict remained prevalent. The U.S. also faced challenges in maintaining its global military influence amid rising geopolitical tensions (USAFacts, “Current State of the Union: US Economy”).

Conclusion The persistent social unrest and challenges to maintaining global military influence from 2016 to 2024 align with the curse of military defeat and social upheaval mentioned in Deuteronomy 28, highlighting a period of significant internal and external challenges.

Environmental Disasters

Curse: “The Lord will strike you with scorching heat and drought” (Deuteronomy 28:22-24)

Pre-2016 Trends

Environmental challenges such as wildfires, hurricanes, and droughts occurred regularly but were within historical norms. Climate change concerns were growing, but the immediate impacts were less severe.

Post-2016 Trends

From 2016 onwards, the U.S. experienced several severe environmental events. The wildfire seasons, particularly in the western United States, became more destructive. Hurricanes increased in frequency and severity, causing widespread damage. These disasters led to significant economic and social disruptions, reflecting the curses related to environmental calamities (CDC, “Health, United States, 2020-2021”).

2020-2024 Trends

The frequency and severity of environmental disasters continued to increase from 2020 to 2024. The 2020 wildfire season was particularly destructive, and subsequent years saw similar patterns. Hurricanes and other severe weather events caused significant disruptions, highlighting the escalating impact of environmental challenges (USAFacts, “Current State of the Union: US Economy”).

Conclusion The marked increase in environmental disasters from 2016 to 2024 aligns with the curse of environmental calamities mentioned in Deuteronomy 28, reflecting a period of heightened environmental challenges.

Agricultural Failures

Curse: “Your crops will be cursed” (Deuteronomy 28:18, 38-42)

Pre-2016 Trends

Agricultural sectors faced regular challenges, but these were manageable within the usual variability. Extreme weather events occasionally impacted crop yields, but overall production remained stable.

Post-2016 Trends

From 2016 onwards, agricultural sectors faced severe challenges with weather extremes impacting crop yields. The Midwest, for example, experienced significant agricultural losses due to flooding in 2019, followed by drought conditions in subsequent years. These challenges were more severe compared to the previous period (USAFacts, “Current State of the Union: US Economy”).

2020-2024 Trends

Agricultural challenges continued from 2020 to 2024, with extreme weather events causing significant disruptions. Droughts and floods impacted various regions, leading to substantial agricultural losses. These issues highlighted the vulnerability of the agricultural sector to natural calamities (USAFacts, “Current State of the Union: US Economy”).

Conclusion The severe agricultural challenges from 2016 to 2024 align with the curse of agricultural failures mentioned in Deuteronomy 28, highlighting a period of significant disruption in agricultural production.

Final Thoughts

The period from 2016 to 2024 in the United States has seen a notable escalation in various issues that align with the curses described in Deuteronomy 28. These include significant health challenges, economic fluctuations, social and mental health crises, social unrest, environmental disasters, and agricultural failures. The data from reputable sources indicates that these challenges have intensified since 2016, reflecting a period of profound difficulties for the nation.
