Donald Trump in front of a cross and American flag.

The Deification of Donald Trump – Part 2: The Rebirth


In recent years, an unsettling trend has emerged within certain segments of the Christian community in the United States. This trend involves the deification of former President Donald Trump, where religious iconography and scriptural references are manipulated to portray Trump as a messianic figure. This phenomenon has become more pronounced and pervasive, particularly following significant events in Trump’s political career. This article aims to provide a thorough examination of this trend, based on two transcripts from different creators, to elucidate the theological errors and dangers inherent in conflating political figures with divine entities.

The Escalation of Trump Deification

Initial Observations and Concerns

The deification of Donald Trump can be traced back to the early years of his presidency. Initially, these instances might have appeared isolated or marginal. However, they have grown increasingly mainstream among certain groups. The first creator in the provided transcripts highlights several disturbing examples of this phenomenon:

  1. Isaiah 9:6 Misappropriation: In 2021, a billboard in Georgia depicted Trump with the biblical quote “To us a son is given, and the government shall be upon his shoulders” from Isaiah 9:6. This verse is a well-known prophecy concerning the coming of Jesus Christ, not a political leader.
  2. Elevating Trump alongside Jesus: By 2023, posts and artwork began circulating that depicted Trump and Jesus as the two greatest men to have ever lived. This assertion not only elevates Trump to a near-divine status but also implies a form of theological endorsement that is both unfounded and blasphemous.
  3. Ephesians 6:11 Misinterpretation: Following a failed assassination attempt on Trump, some Christians began to draw parallels between Trump’s experience and Ephesians 6:11, which speaks about putting on the full armor of God. This misinterpretation further fueled the narrative that Trump is divinely protected and chosen.

Theological Implications and Errors

Misusing Scriptural References

The misuse of biblical references to support political agendas is not a new phenomenon, but it has reached new heights with the deification of Trump. The transcripts reveal several critical points where scripture has been taken out of context or misapplied:

  1. Leviticus 8 Misinterpretation: One of the most egregious examples is the interpretation of Leviticus 8 concerning the anointing of Aaron and his sons. Some have drawn a parallel between Trump’s ear injury and the anointing of Aaron’s right ear, thumb, and big toe. However, this ritual was a one-time consecration for the Aaronic priesthood and has no bearing on modern political figures.
  2. False Prophetic Claims: The assertion that Trump’s near-assassination was a fulfillment of biblical prophecy, specifically Ephesians 6:11, is both theologically unsound and misleading. The chapters and verses in the Bible were added much later for reference purposes and are not divinely inspired. Moreover, this interpretation ignores the broader context of the scripture and its original intent.
  3. Conflating Christ’s Suffering with Trump’s Experiences: Some depictions even go so far as to suggest that Trump’s experiences are akin to the suffering of Christ. This not only diminishes the unique and unparalleled significance of Christ’s sacrifice but also misleads believers into conflating political struggles with spiritual redemption.

The Dangers of Political Idolatry

Spiritual Consequences

The elevation of political figures to a divine status poses significant spiritual risks:

  1. Idolatry: At its core, the deification of Trump constitutes idolatry, a grave sin in Christian theology. By placing Trump on a pedestal reserved for God alone, believers risk violating the First Commandment.
  2. Erosion of True Faith: The blending of political fervor with religious devotion can lead to the erosion of genuine faith. When political leaders are seen as messianic figures, it detracts from the central message of Christianity, which is the salvation through Jesus Christ.
  3. Divisiveness and Polarization: The politicization of religion can deepen divisions within the Christian community and the broader society. It fosters an environment where religious beliefs are weaponized for political gain, further polarizing an already divided populace.

Ethical Concerns

From an ethical standpoint, the manipulation of religious sentiments for political purposes is deeply problematic:

  1. Exploitation of Faith: Political leaders and their supporters who exploit religious sentiments for gain are guilty of manipulating the faith of their followers. This exploitation can lead to disillusionment and a crisis of faith when political promises are not fulfilled.
  2. Misleading the Faithful: By presenting political figures as divinely appointed saviors, leaders mislead their followers about the true nature of divine providence and the role of political leadership. This can result in misplaced trust and disillusionment when political realities fail to align with religious expectations.

Addressing the Misinterpretations

A Call for Theological Integrity

To counteract the trend of deifying political figures, it is imperative for Christian leaders and believers to uphold theological integrity:

  1. Contextual Biblical Interpretation: Scripture must be interpreted within its historical and cultural context. Verses should not be cherry-picked to support contemporary political agendas. Instead, the whole counsel of God’s Word should be considered.
  2. Focus on Christ-Centered Faith: Christians must refocus on the central tenets of their faith, which are grounded in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Political leaders, regardless of their influence or popularity, should not be equated with or elevated to the status of Christ.
  3. Educating the Faithful: Church leaders have a responsibility to educate their congregations about the dangers of political idolatry. This includes teaching the importance of discernment and critical thinking when it comes to political and religious rhetoric.

Final thoughts

The trend of deifying Donald Trump and misinterpreting biblical scripture to support political agendas is a troubling development within certain segments of the Christian community. It represents a profound misunderstanding of both scripture and the nature of political leadership. By reclaiming a Christ-centered faith and promoting theological integrity, Christians can resist the lure of political idolatry and remain faithful to the true message of the gospel.

The responsibility lies with church leaders and believers alike to uphold the sanctity of scripture and ensure that their political engagement reflects the values of humility, service, and justice exemplified by Jesus Christ. Only by doing so can they navigate the complex intersection of faith and politics without compromising their spiritual integrity.


  • Billboard Comparing Trump to Jesus
  • Newsweek reported on a billboard in Georgia that compared Trump to Jesus, using the verse from Isaiah 9:6, which is a prophecy about the coming of Jesus Christ. The article discusses the backlash and the blasphemous nature of the billboard ​ (​​ (The Roys Report)​.
  • also covered this story, noting that many people on social media found the billboard blasphemous and were disturbed by the comparison ​ (​.
  • Julie Roys provided additional context on the controversy surrounding the billboard, highlighting reactions from faith leaders and the public ​ (The Roys Report)​.
  • Misinterpretation of Ephesians 6:11
  • Following the failed assassination attempt on Trump, some individuals misinterpreted Ephesians 6:11 to suggest that Trump was divinely protected. This interpretation was widely shared and even discussed by public figures like Megyn Kelly ​ (The Roys Report)​.
  • Use of Leviticus 8 to Justify Trump’s Injury
  • The interpretation of Leviticus 8:22-24 to suggest that Trump’s ear injury had spiritual significance is another example of misusing scripture. This was discussed by various commentators who pointed out the theological errors in applying this Old Testament consecration ritual to a modern political figure ​ (The Roys Report)​.
  • General Trend of Deifying Trump
  • Snopes and other fact-checking websites have repeatedly debunked claims that deify Trump by attributing divine or messianic qualities to him. These sources provide context and refutations of such claims ​ (​​ (The Roys Report)​.

The Deification of Donald Trump – Part 1:  The Foundation

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