Trump holding a Bible

The Deification of Donald Trump – Part 1: The Foundation


The intersection of religion and politics has long been a subject of intrigue and controversy. Over the past decade, this dynamic has been vividly illustrated by the prophetic declarations surrounding former President Donald Trump. These prophecies, many of which emerged from figures within the charismatic Christian community, have contributed to a narrative that frames Trump as a leader chosen by divine intervention. This phenomenon has not only influenced the political landscape but has also left an indelible mark on the public and individual memories of many Americans.

From early whispers of his political ambitions in the late 1980s to the fervent declarations by modern-day prophets, the story of Donald Trump’s rise to the presidency is intertwined with a series of prophetic pronouncements that have captivated believers and skeptics alike. Prominent among these prophets is Kim Clement, whose evolving predictions from 2007 to 2015 about a future leader uncannily mirrored Trump’s eventual political journey.

This report aims to provide a comprehensive examination of these prophecies and their impact. By tracing the timeline of Trump’s political aspirations and juxtaposing them with prophetic declarations, we seek to offer a nuanced perspective that challenges the deification of Trump within certain religious circles. Our goal is to present an unbiased yet confrontational analysis, addressing both the fulfilled and unfulfilled aspects of these prophecies, and to provoke thoughtful consideration among Christians and non-believers.

Through a detailed exploration of the prophetic landscape, this report will delve into the narratives that have shaped the perception of Donald Trump as a divinely appointed leader. By examining the prophecies of Kim Clement, Mark Taylor, Lance Wallnau, and others, we aim to shed light on the complex interplay between faith, prophecy, and politics in contemporary America.

Early Indications of Political Ambitions

1987-1988: Initial Hints and Public Statements

Donald Trump’s interest in politics can be traced back to the late 1980s. In 1987, Trump took out full-page ads in major newspapers such as The New York Times and The Washington Post, criticizing U.S. foreign policy. These ads suggested his desire to influence public policy and hinted at his potential political ambitions. In 1988, during an interview on The Oprah Winfrey Show, Trump discussed his views on U.S. economic policies and hinted at possibly running for president if he felt he could make a difference.

1999: Exploratory Steps

Trump formed an exploratory committee to run for president and sought the nomination of the Reform Party. Although he did not proceed with a formal campaign, this step indicated his serious consideration of a political career.

June 16, 2015: Formal Presidential Announcement

Trump formally announced his candidacy for president in a speech at Trump Tower in New York City, marking the official start of his successful 2016 presidential campaign.

Public Speculation and Indications in 2014

February 2014: Increased Political Activity and Speculation

Trump began hinting more strongly at a potential presidential run. He spoke at various events and in interviews, suggesting that he was considering a run if the conditions were right. This increased media speculation about his political ambitions.

March 2014: CPAC Speech

At the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), Trump delivered a speech that was well-received and fueled further speculation about his potential candidacy. He criticized the Obama administration and discussed issues that resonated with conservative voters.

Kim Clement’s Prophecies: 2007-2015

2007-2008: Vague Prophecies

Kim Clement, a self-professed prophet, made a series of prophecies in the late 2000s that some believe were about Donald Trump. On February 10, 2007, Clement prophesied from Redding, California, mentioning a future president. He didn’t explicitly name Donald Trump but spoke of a future leader who would be “hot-blooded” and unconventional, suggesting a leader that would surprise many. In April 2007, during a prophecy given in Scottsdale, Arizona, Clement referred more clearly to Trump, though still indirectly, stating, “The man that I place in the highest office will go in whispering my name… But God said, when he enters into the office, he will be shouting out by the power of the Spirit”​ (Truth or Fiction?)​​ (biographyhost)​.

February 22, 2014: Specific Mention of Trump

In February 2014, Clement explicitly mentioned Trump in a prophecy, stating that Trump would become a trumpet and play a significant role in the political sphere. He prophesied, “This that shall take place shall be the most unusual thing, a transfiguration, a going into the marketplace, if you wish, into the news media… Trump shall become a trumpet, says the Lord”​ (Charisma Online)​.

2015: Increased Specificity

By February 2015, Clement’s prophecies became more direct. He spoke about a future president facing calls for impeachment, stating, “They will shout ‘Impeach, impeach!’ but this shall not happen. And then God says, highly embarrassing moments when another Snowden arises, and people will become very afraid”​ (Truth or Fiction?)​.

Other Notable “Trump Prophecies” Before the 2020 Election

Mark Taylor’s Prophecies

In 2011, retired firefighter Mark Taylor claimed a prophecy that Trump would become president and serve two terms. His book, The Trump Prophecies, published in 2017, outlined these predictions and gained attention leading up to the 2020 election.

Lance Wallnau’s Prophecies

In 2015, Lance Wallnau referred to Trump as God’s “chaos candidate” and likened him to Cyrus, suggesting that Trump was chosen by God to disrupt the political system and bring about significant change.

Jeremiah Johnson’s Prophecies

In 2015, Jeremiah Johnson predicted that Trump would act as a “bulldozer” for the American church, pushing back against political correctness and fighting for religious freedoms. He also suggested Trump would serve two terms.

Kat Kerr’s Prophecies

Kat Kerr frequently stated that God told her Trump would win a second term. She maintained this belief even as election results showed otherwise.

Paula White-Cain’s Prophecies

Trump’s spiritual advisor, White-Cain, publicly supported Trump and prayed for his victory, expressing confidence that he was chosen by God to lead the nation.

Sid Roth’s Prophecies

Sid Roth, host of It’s Supernatural, featured various prophets on his show who predicted Trump’s re-election, promoting the idea that Trump was destined to win a second term.

The Prophetic Landscape Post-2016 Election

The election of Donald Trump in 2016 marked a significant moment not only in American politics but also in the realm of modern prophecy. Following his victory, many within the prophetic community viewed his presidency as the fulfillment of divine predictions. Kim Clement’s prophecies, which had mentioned a future leader who would be unconventional and divinely chosen, were interpreted as referring to Trump. This interpretation gained traction and solidified in the minds of many voters, particularly among conservative Christians, that Trump was chosen by God to lead America.

Kim Clement’s Prophecies: A Foundation of Belief

Kim Clement’s prophecies from 2007 and 2014 were pivotal in shaping the narrative of Trump’s divine appointment. In 2007, Clement spoke of a leader who would be “hot-blooded” and unconventional, a description that many later applied to Trump. In 2014, Clement’s prophecy became more explicit, stating that Trump would become a “trumpet” for God. These prophecies were widely circulated and discussed, particularly after Trump’s election, reinforcing the belief that his presidency was part of a divine plan​ (Truth or Fiction?)​​ (biographyhost)​​ (Charisma Online)​.

The Role of Prophecies in the Minds of Voters

The repeated and specific nature of these prophecies played a crucial role in cementing the idea of Trump’s divine appointment among his supporters. As Trump’s presidency unfolded, many prophetic figures continued to validate and reinforce these beliefs. The narrative of Trump as a divinely chosen leader was echoed by other prominent prophets such as Mark Taylor, who had predicted Trump’s presidency in 2011 and claimed that Trump would serve two terms​ (YouTube)​.

Prophetic Assertions and Political Reality

As Trump’s presidency progressed, the prophetic community’s support did not wane. Instead, it grew stronger with each perceived fulfillment of prophecy. Lance Wallnau, for instance, described Trump as God’s “chaos candidate,” likening him to Cyrus, a biblical figure known for his role in freeing the Jews from Babylonian captivity. Wallnau and others saw Trump’s actions, particularly his outspoken and unorthodox approach, as evidence of his divine mission to disrupt and reform the political landscape​ (biographyhost)​.

2018-2019: Preparing for Re-election

Leading up to the 2020 election, the prophetic community intensified their declarations about Trump’s continued divine appointment. Jeremiah Johnson continued to prophesy that Trump would act as a “bulldozer” for the church, pushing back against political correctness and fighting for religious freedoms. These prophecies were disseminated widely through social media, churches, and prophetic conferences, further entrenching the belief in Trump’s divine role among his supporters​ (Truth or Fiction?)​​ (Charisma Online)​.

Kat Kerr, another prominent prophetic voice, frequently stated that God had assured her Trump would win a second term. Despite any political or public opinion shifts, Kerr and other prophets maintained that Trump’s re-election was part of a divine plan, and any opposition was seen as a spiritual battle against God’s chosen leader​ (biographyhost)​.

Prophecies and the 2020 Election

As the 2020 election approached, the prophetic community’s support for Trump reached a fever pitch. Figures like Sid Roth hosted numerous prophets on his show It’s Supernatural, who confidently predicted Trump’s re-election. These prophetic declarations were aimed at bolstering the faith of Trump’s supporters, presenting his re-election as a foregone conclusion ordained by God​ (Charisma Online)​.

Dreams and Public Claims During the 2020 Election

Jeremiah Johnson’s Dreams

Johnson shared dreams depicting Trump as a divinely chosen leader fighting against evil forces.

Dana Coverstone’s Dreams

Dana Coverstone gained attention for a series of dreams depicting apocalyptic scenarios involving Trump, the U.S. government, and national turmoil.

Kat Kerr’s Claims

Kat Kerr claimed to have recurring dreams and direct communications with God regarding Trump’s role as president and his potential re-election.

The aftermath

The election results, which favored Joe Biden, led to significant controversy and reflection within the prophetic community. Some prophets, like Jeremiah Johnson, issued public apologies for their incorrect predictions, acknowledging the need for greater accountability and discernment. Others, like Kat Kerr, continued to assert that Trump was the rightful winner and that God’s plan would eventually be revealed despite the election results​ (biographyhost)​​ (Charisma Online)​.

The period leading up to the 2020 election showcased the powerful influence of prophetic declarations on political beliefs and voter behavior. Kim Clement’s prophecies, along with those of other prominent figures, played a pivotal role in shaping the narrative of Trump’s divine appointment. This belief was deeply entrenched in the minds of many voters, demonstrating the significant impact of modern prophecy on contemporary politics.

Analysis of Prophecies and Political Events

Unfulfilled Prophecies

Despite Clement’s prophecies about a transformative pope and a revival in Hollywood, such events have not materialized. Similarly, the prediction by Mark Taylor and others that Trump would serve two terms did not come to pass with Joe Biden’s victory in the 2020 election​ (YouTube)​​ (Charisma Online)​. This led to significant controversy and reflection within the prophetic community, with some prophets retracting or reinterpreting their predictions while others doubled down on their claims.

Final thoughts

The relationship between Donald Trump’s political rise and the prophecies that purportedly foretold it offers a fascinating case study in the intersection of faith, prophecy, and politics. From early hints of political ambition to the fervent endorsements from various prophetic figures, Trump’s journey has been enveloped in a narrative that elevates him as a divinely chosen leader. This narrative has deeply influenced the beliefs and actions of many within the Christian community, particularly among those who view prophecy as a legitimate and influential component of their faith.

Kim Clement’s evolving prophecies, spanning from vague references in 2007 to more explicit mentions in 2014 and 2015, illustrate the fluid and often ambiguous nature of prophetic declarations. While some of Clement’s predictions appear to have aligned with Trump’s eventual political trajectory, others remain unfulfilled or open to interpretation. Similarly, the prophecies of figures like Mark Taylor, Lance Wallnau, and others highlight the challenges inherent in prophetic discourse—predictions that seemed certain have been contradicted by subsequent events, such as the outcome of the 2020 presidential election.

The deification of Donald Trump within certain religious circles reflects broader trends in how prophecy is utilized to shape political narratives and influence public opinion. It raises important questions about the role of faith in politics and the potential consequences of intertwining religious belief with political leadership. As we move forward, it is crucial to maintain a discerning and critical perspective, recognizing the powerful influence of prophecy while also acknowledging its limitations and the need for rigorous scrutiny.

Ultimately, the story of Trump and the prophets underscores the need for a balanced approach to understanding the interplay between religion and politics. It invites us to consider how prophetic claims are made, interpreted, and acted upon, and to reflect on the broader implications for our society and political discourse. Through this exploration, we hope to foster a more informed and nuanced conversation about the complex and often contentious relationship between faith and political power.


  • Kim Clement’s Prophecies: 2007-2015
    • “Trump shall become a trumpet, says the Lord”: Truth or Fiction
    • “The man that I place in the highest office will go in whispering my name…”: Biographyhost
    • “They will shout ‘Impeach, impeach!’ but this shall not happen…”: Charisma News
  • Mark Taylor’s Prophecies
  • Lance Wallnau’s Prophecies
    • Wallnau’s description of Trump as God’s “chaos candidate”: USA Today
  • Jeremiah Johnson’s Prophecies
  • Kat Kerr’s Prophecies
  • Paula White-Cain’s Prophecies
  • Sid Roth’s Prophecies
  • Dreams and Public Claims During the 2020 Election
  • Analysis of Prophecies and Political Events
    • Kim Clement’s unfulfilled prophecies about a transformative pope and Hollywood revival: Charisma News
    • General reflections on the prophetic community post-2020 election: The Atlantic

The Deification of Donald Trump – Part 2:  The Rebirth

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