Challenging the concept of millions of years of disease, decay, and death before humanity by exploring the biblical narrative of creation, emphasizing that these afflictions entered the world after the Fall and are not part of God’s original good creation. Have you ever wondered if the concept of millions of […]Read more »
How does faith sustain itself in the shadow of departing miracles? This blog post explores the intriguing parallel between the ancient Israelites, who faced a spiritual vacuum after the cessation of dramatic signs like manna and the pillar of cloud, and modern Christians, who might feel disconnected in the absence […]Read more »
Does the Holy Bible speak about me or Jesus?
Are we witnessing the unfolding of God’s wrath upon our nation? Is America facing divine punishment for a collective departure from spiritual and moral principles? How do ancient warnings about disobedience and retribution resonate with the challenges facing our society today? Explore these compelling questions as we delve into the […]Read more »