Day 36 | “Maria” (West Side Story)

Follow: Song requests: Help @ GoFundMe: ‪#‎undertheoverpass‬ I first heard the song performed by Placido Domingo while I was in high school. He conveyed great passion when it came to this tune and I only hope that I did as well. From a music theory standpoint. The […]Read more »

Day 35 | Star Trek “Enterprise”

I was very happy when the show came on the air. I always wanted to see the very beginning’s of what would be known as the Federation. The theme song to the show was different in the fact that it Incorporated words and it gives me great pleasure to sing […]Read more »

Day 34 | “Star Trek” Voyager

Voyager was a great series. Not only did they introduce a strong female lead with regard to the captain, but they took the comforts of Federation space away and made you feel like you were out on the frontiers of space. Incidentally, this was the only Star Trek show that […]Read more »

Day 33 | “Star Trek” Theme DS9

I’m going to go ahead and just say for the record that this was the least of my favorite out of all the Star Trek series. Deep Space 9 only got interesting when they got into the war with the dominion. I don’t even want to talk about the religious […]Read more »