Day 94 | Rooster

DONATE TO THE GREEN HILLS ANIMAL SHELTER DONATE TO THE GREEN HILLS ANIMAL SHELTER Alice in Chains s one of my favorite bands that ever played. Most of their songs are incredible, this one included. Follow: Song requests: Help @ GoFundMe: #undertheoverpass You can follow / catch […]Read more »

Day 93 | Enter Sandman

DONATE TO THE GREEN HILLS ANIMAL SHELTER DONATE TO THE GREEN HILLS ANIMAL SHELTER I don’t know why but Metallica seems to be on my mind.  They’re an awesome band that has been around for a long time. Follow: Song requests: Help @ GoFundMe: #undertheoverpass You can […]Read more »

Day 92 | In the Bleak Midwinter

DONATE TO THE GREEN HILLS ANIMAL SHELTER DONATE TO THE GREEN HILLS ANIMAL SHELTER Although snow has not reached Trenton as of yet, this beautiful song was the first thing that was on my mind when I woke up this morning. Follow: Song requests: Help @ GoFundMe: […]Read more »

Day 91 | All You Need is Love

DONATE TO THE GREEN HILLS ANIMAL SHELTER DONATE TO THE GREEN HILLS ANIMAL SHELTER Such a simple little song by The Beatles but a profound one.  I will say that this tune is a timely one given recent events. Follow: Song requests: Help @ GoFundMe: #undertheoverpass You […]Read more »