Day 140 | Take Time to be Holy

I felt that after all my goofiness for the last few days that it was time for a hymn. Follow: Song requests: Help @ GoFundMe: ‪#‎undertheoverpass‬ You can follow / catch up, make song requests and help support this odyssey at the links above. I will keep […]Read more »

Day 139 | Jamie’s Cryin’

Not only is this an awesome song by Van Halen, the message / reality is dead on. Follow: Song requests: Help @ GoFundMe: ‪#‎undertheoverpass‬ You can follow / catch up, make song requests and help support this odyssey at the links above. I will keep this GoFundMe […]Read more »

Day 138 | Choppin’ Broccoli

Don’t ask me what the heck I was thinking when I pulled this song out. I guess we might as well make the most of the new year by starting off with a little humor. Follow: Song requests: Help @ GoFundMe: ‪#‎undertheoverpass‬ You can follow / catch […]Read more »

Day 137 | I’m Sailing Away

DONATE TO THE GREEN HILLS ANIMAL SHELTER DONATE TO THE GREEN HILLS ANIMAL SHELTER I revisit Styx in this childhood song.  I’ve got to say that when I first heard this song, especially near the end, I was taken by surprise. Follow: Song requests: Help @ GoFundMe: […]Read more »