Day 157 | I Got Shoes

DONATE TO THE GREEN HILLS ANIMAL SHELTER DONATE TO THE GREEN HILLS ANIMAL SHELTER The first time I ever performed the song was in a coral setting at college. The reason why I remember this is because a select few within the choir wanted to change the words because they […]Read more »

Day 156 | Joshua Fit the Battle of Jericho

DONATE TO THE GREEN HILLS ANIMAL SHELTER DONATE TO THE GREEN HILLS ANIMAL SHELTER Another high school favorite of mine, but I was never able to do it since I didn’t have the low voice. Singing early in the morning helps a lot. Follow: Song requests: Help @ […]Read more »

Day 155 | Beatbox Blues

DONATE TO THE GREEN HILLS ANIMAL SHELTER DONATE TO THE GREEN HILLS ANIMAL SHELTER OK, so I’m a bit weird, and I don’t care. I’ve always admired those who could beat box and beatbox well and I would like to do this style from time to time. Follow: Song […]Read more »

Day 154 | My Lord, What a Mornin’

DONATE TO THE GREEN HILLS ANIMAL SHELTER DONATE TO THE GREEN HILLS ANIMAL SHELTER The coldest day of Winter thus far and I’m singing “My Lord, What a Mornin’”.  I’ll let you decide if I’m meaning a blessing of the day or the cold. Follow: Song requests: Help […]Read more »