Keeping in mind the Greek definition and the uses of pharmakeia, it not only depends upon the drug but the intent of its use from the distributor and user. Some Christians will keep away from drugs of any kind because they don’t want to be a part of witchcraft or […]Read more »
Bible Teaching
The gift of discernment can be a wet blanket on a congregation when a supposed prophet (dreamer of dreams) speaks up, when a person gives to the body, and even when miracles happen. Most Christians celebrate the gifts of the Holy Ghost. Healings, miracles, tongues, prophecy, and others are what […]Read more »
Healings and all the rest are never meant to “stand alone” but to be paired with the proclamation of the Good News of Jesus Christ. In my short time as a Christian, I have laid hands on the sick, and they have recovered. I have cast out devils in Jesus’s […]Read more »
If we were to follow that false ideology – that sinning puts me in Hell – to its logical conclusion, we can say that not sinning will keep me out of Hell, which is clearly false. Most people (even a great many Christians) believe that sin and the continual act […]Read more »