Many Christians view monetary transactions as a necessity to live on Earth. But they don’t believe that handling money in its various facets is spiritual. The area of business – small or large – gives us a tangible example of carnality VS spirituality. If an animal observes you and understands […]Read more »
Robert Wimer
766 posts
What is the first sentence Jesus said to His disciples before Christ gave His Olivet Discourse in Matthew 24? “Take heed that no man deceive you.” Please think about that for a minute. These men had been with Jesus for three and a half years. They have listened to His […]Read more »
So, are you equipped to battle in the spirit world and on Earth?
Christians are, at times, too quick to cast out demons. They must first manifest themselves. This article explains the reason why. In the beginning, God created man to have dominion over the entire Earth (Genesis 1:28). At this point, man’s decisions would not be interfered with by God. The Lord […]Read more »