Day 8 | “The Doxology” I had my song all picked out and ready to go, but it was while on route The Doxology came to mind. I figured that God wanted me to sing it, so I did. Lyrics: Praise God from whom all blessings flow Praise Him all […]Read more »
Robert Wimer
Day 7 | “Oh Danny Boy” Before I started this odyssey, I contacted the police department just so they would know that I wasn’t causing trouble under the overpass. It was a surprise when I saw a request from the Trenton (MO) Police Department for this song. It seemed like […]Read more »
So, I wanted to do a song with the least amount of traffic so I did this just after midnight. I will say that I only sang parts of it and I did blank out on some of the Italian. One of the most popular arias from one of the […]Read more »
This is one of my favorite hymns. Admittedly, this will be song at my funeral. This hymn was born out of tragedy for the composer, who lost his family at sea. When his ship went over the spot where the other ship that was to bring his family over to […]Read more »