What more could be said about this awesome song,..nothing! This tune gets my music nerd on as it utilizes a 7 measure phrase instead of an 8. Yeah,..I’m a nerdlinger. Timothy, thanks for the ride and I hope you enjoyed it. My audience of one was much appreciated. My one […]Read more »
Robert Wimer
Day 10 | “Beautiful” Christina Aguilera’s song hits a chord with a lot of people. Many of us seem to focus on the ugliness not only within ourselves but on others as well. It seems only fitting that on the day that I hit my double-digit for the week, this […]Read more »
Day 9 | “Amazing Grace” I will admit, today was the hardest day to sing under the overpass. The only time I had to do this was in the evening straight after work. The morning time just couldn’t happen and lunch,..forget about it, so, after 5 p.m. was it. It […]Read more »
Day 8 | “The Doxology” I had my song all picked out and ready to go, but it was while on route The Doxology came to mind. I figured that God wanted me to sing it, so I did. Lyrics: Praise God from whom all blessings flow Praise Him all […]Read more »