Robert had spent years mastering the fine art of arguing with strangers on the internet. He took pride in his ability to craft the perfect, scathing rebuttal to a poorly punctuated comment from an uncle he hadn’t spoken to in real life since 2007. But one fateful evening, standing before […]Read more »
Robert Wimer
It was March 21, 2025—Robert and Sonja’s 16th wedding anniversary. Fifteen years of bliss, one year of mild irritation over who finished the last of the ice cream, and now, the universe itself quivered in anticipation of their love. Robert sat in the living room, nestled comfortably on his throne […]Read more »
Part 1: The Gathering The conference room was beige. Aggressively beige. Beige walls, beige carpet, beige chairs in rows like stoic little soldiers preparing for an ecumenical war. The only thing that wasn’t beige was the pedestal in the center—obsidian black and so pristine it looked like a Photoshop layer […]Read more »
Grammy trudged back toward the house, wiping sweat from her brow. She had just finished her farm chores, which, under normal circumstances, might involve feeding chickens or gathering eggs. But today was different. Today, her grandsons—Sawyer and Creighton, the two most powerful toddlers to ever exist—had lifted entire cows, casually […]Read more »