Christ on the cross

The things that never ever sent anyone to Hell…..sins.

If we were to follow that false ideology – that sinning puts me in Hell – to its logical conclusion, we can say that not sinning will keep me out of Hell, which is clearly false. Most people (even a great many Christians) believe that sin and the continual act […]Read more »

Star Trek TNG The Outcast

TNGs “The Outcast” Is NOT About Transgenderism

We must understand the day’s culture to grasp proper hermeneutics in Bible interpretation fully. With that, I would like to take you down memory lane. Let’s revisit Star Trek:  The Next Generation’s “The Outcast.” The picture below is taken from season 5, episode 17 of Star Trek: The Next Generation’s […]Read more »

Job being tormented by demons

“Satanic Psyops”: A Biblical Perspective on Demonic Torment

Satan utilizes psychological warfare in most of his attacks. He uses five methods of attack. This article will discuss torment. The realm of spiritual warfare extends beyond the physical, as alluded to in the Bible verse Ephesians 6:12 (KJV): “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, […]Read more »